December 24, 2009

A Poem for Christmas Eve

I have been inspired by The Dotterel of 'Bringing up Charlie', who yesterday posted some beautiful Seasonal writings by British poet Laurie Lee, to post a favourite Christmas Eve poem by Thomas Hardy. I've heard several people say they are just 'not that into Christmas' this year. I truly hope that somehow, at the eleventh hour something happens to change their minds and bring that particular comfort and joy into their hearts that is Christmas' gift to us all.

The Oxen
CHRISTMAS EVE, the twelve of the clock.
"Now they are all on their knees,"
An elder said as we sat in a flock
By the embers in hearthside ease.
We pictured the meek mild creatures where
They dwelt in their strawy pen,
Nor did it occur to one of us there
To doubt they were kneeling then.
So fair a fancy few would weave
In these years! Yet, I feel,
If someone said on Christmas Eve,
"Come; see the oxen kneel
"In the lonely barton by yonder coomb
Our childhood used to know,"
I should go with him in the gloom,
Hoping it might so.
(Now back to the baking, laundry, and gift wrapping. )


  1. Thank you. That's it. Just Thank you.

  2. Lovely Rebecca. Thank you. And have a very blessed Christmas.

  3. Lovely! Hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season!

  4. Thank you for your comments. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, too. I'll be writing soon...I can feel it.


I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!